Sunday Sermons: “Stop Blocking Your Miracle” by Tony Evans

For all my self-sabotagers and those who feel stuck in a rut waiting on their blessings. Maybe you are blocking your blessings by not opening up to the supernatural blessings of God. Let’s listen to Dr. Tony Evans as he explains his thoughts along this line.



My favorite quotes from this sermon:

  • “You cannot get to God’s secret will if you’ve ignored His revealed will.”
  • “If you don’t do what you know He said, He won’t show you what He’s up to in the supernatural realm.”
  • “You are part of the miracle!”



  1. I am the only one capable to stopping love and/or happiness from entering my life…that’s a pretty cool statement when you think about it. I am capable of sublime greatness as long as I am willing.

    1. I agree with you Bill! I remember reading Rachel Hollis’ opening statement that had a lot of people up in arms and saying she isn’t really Christian and waters things down. The statement is essentially, “If your life sucks, it’s your fault. Change it.” WOW! I was thinking, “Woah! I am in for it with this book.” It helped me change so many terrible ways of thinking. Willingness is something Christians miss so often. It’s like we think God will just move us into this place. I know I spent a long time thinking I needed these grand answers to move and all along, I just needed to start doing things and allowing life to bless me. Since I started living and making decisions and allowing myself to pray while working (more like Nehemiah with the wall than Elijah with the fleeces), I have seen doors open up that I have long prayed for! It’s been so life-giving. As I listened to this sermon, I thought it was pretty cool how he explained it and shared how we have to get out of the way. Thanks for stopping by!

      Fun fact: You’re my biggest fan! WP says so! 🙂 I appreciate you.

    1. That’s incredible! He spoke at the Church of God General Assembly last year and … wow!!! It was sooooo life giving and good. I am trying to show a good mix of great preachers on here before I start showing second sermons from some of them… there are so many people out there who share truth in relatable ways. I’m enjoying sharing this series.

      1. Well keep it up. I look fwd to seeing more of these. thank you Shell! What a ministry outreach you have here! God Bless this endeavor and you.

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