Sunday Sermons: “Let Revival Start with Me” by Priscilla Shirer

Priscilla Shirer is a motivational speaker who speaks from a Biblical perspective. You may recognize her from War Room, if you saw the movie. She is dynamic, powerful, and engaging.

Note: When I logged into my app today this published, despite having already been published in April. Soo… while it’s off schedule I’m going to let it remain in case someone needs this message today. The full list has the same name and was posted April 28.

I’ll be back next week and back on schedule. Vacation is finally over and I have some good interviews coming up for you!



    1. I enjoy her style too! She teaches versus preaching and I’m a huge fan of that and storytelling to bring the Scripture home to me and help me understand it best.

        1. Have you listened to Bianca Olthloff? She is also a teaching and storytelling minister and adds quite a bit of humor to really bring it home. She gets me good when I am in a mood and need to lighten up!

            1. Last weekend’s sermon from Transformation Church is by her. “How to Make Your Life Not Suck”. They are a little loose with their play on words but it will have you cracking up as she shares the story of Ruth with narration! She’s real in how she speaks and shares the Bible.

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