New Fireside Chat Series to Talk About Business and Life Goals

The largest area where I’ve failed here is in talking about business. There is something I find intimidating about talking about what I do so I tend to stay away from it unless a prospective client is asking me questions. It’s a really terrible practice for business! So I’ve been thinking this year of how to address it without talking only about my experience and my businesses. That led to making a list of people I’d like to interview for the Community Monday segment. Wonderful right? Except I never really talked to anyone about interview them. And that is a problem.

This year has been a growing year for me. I’ve been learning a LOT about myself. I’ve changed my business structure completely and really enjoy the new people I am working with. I love working with aspiring ministers, current ministers, current and aspiring authors, aspiring speakers, and survivors who have a story to share but aren’t sure where to start. In my professional life, I am a Voice Discovery Coach, which grew from being a ghostwriter and developmental editor for nearly a decade. I realized that instead of BEING the voice for others, I wanted to share with them tips and techniques for understanding their own voice and sharing it authentically with the world through the correct platforms using my background in marketing and relationship development.

On the side, I have a Young Living business (#2298760) because I LOVE their products and have found healing and a new level of living through the use of essential oils to expand my creativity and connection with myself and others. Because I love to stay active and use my brain fully, a friend and I are in the process of launching a studio where we will produce and publish manga and anime content (you can keep up with us and learn more about us at And then, to ensure I stay connected to humanity in person too, I work a part-time job a couple days a week in the community. It’s a LOT so I’m currently working to streamline things so I am truly living in my sweet spot that I am uniquely positioned to live within.

Talking about business when you are a multipassionate entrepreneur is difficult because some people feel like you have to excel in one thing. I have never believed that. I like to be active and try out all my talents and gifts and at least give them a shot. I’m great at several things, good at many, and skilled enough at many more. So when I thought about how I could talk about business here and do so in a way that helps us excel, I realized I could best do it by connecting with others who have various views on business. I LOVE to talk with others and learn more about what others are doing; and I am great at helping people feel comfortable talking about themselves. So I reached out to two friends and asked them if I could interview them less than a month ago.

They both said yes.

And from that, two interviews I was supposed to record and then transcribe, the idea developed into Fireside Chats every Monday for the Community Monday segment. You see, as I was trying to transcribe my conversation with JRenee of No Honey Makeup, I realized that you missed out on ALL of our personality. We both are so filled with life. So instead I wanted to be able to share key points and the actual talk. This gave me the idea of fireside chats where instead of me talking about my own businesses or work, which limits all of us, I can spend time reaching out to others and sharing what they are doing while we discuss faith, family, and community as well! Then I can share two blogs – one here on Mondays that is the actual chat recording and then a post the following week that summarizes the chat and highlights key points. What do you think? Sound like a good idea so we can engage together whether you enjoy watching videos or reading blogs.

Moving forward, Mondays will showcase various Fireside Chats between other creatives and me as we discuss how to excel creatively by focusing our conversations on the what they are doing and how they are living out their purpose, what they are aspiring to do, and what they would like to share with us to help people learn about their profession or a message that is important to them! The next Thursday (meaning of the following week), I will share a blog on my takeaways from the conversation so those who aren’t video watchers can enjoy the lessons as well.

Join me in sharing these posts and subscribing to the YouTube channel so we can help get the word out about these creatives. Also, if you are interested, reach out to me! Let’s schedule a chat for us!

I am really excited about this new addition to the blog and our community here. I strongly desire for this to become an engaged community of creatives where we live and grow with one another. To that end, in addition to the fireside chats, each week I am going to be sharing a blog that I enjoy reading and share more from books I read, movies I watch, etc. I am finally going to use the resources that I have fully and work on this community. I’ve been sitting on a lot of things I’d love to do but poured my time elsewhere. I’ve finally created a schedule that will allow me to fulfill my professional goals (being hired by Darren Hardy’s A-Team and spending the rest of my career assisting him as he impacts lives, reducing hours for writing for others, taking on only 4 coaching clients a year, and finally publishing books under my own name) and continue to write this blog (my passion project) so we can create a beautiful community here. I am so thankful for those of you who come by regularly. You mean a lot to me. I know there are a million and twelve other blogs you could be reading right now.



That said, I leave you today with this song from one of my favorite Christian rappers about how I feel about God and His love for me as I’ve tried to navigate this space between where I was and where I am going. During this transition, He’s stayed close as I’ve developed my own voice after stepping away from being the voice for others for so long. It’s a great feeling when you get to fully be you and say, “This is who I am and what I want.” I’m looking forward to what comes this next year as I lay it all out on the table and don’t covet any of my talents or gifts. It should be a great year as I finally put my writing out there again but this time under my own name and without reservation of what people may think.








  1. I look forward to the new direction. I have an extensive background in business. Unfortunately, I don’t like it. LOL The only way I can stomach promoting myself is to consider it a competition. I’ve always enjoyed winning. 🙂 Happy Weekend to you!

    1. Interesting way to look at it, Bill. I don’t see us as competition. I truly believe knowledge is fuel, not power. Like when the Flintstones would run in their car and get further when they would all run. There is more than enough space in this world for everyone. I have to find the right balance for me because I LOVE helping people but hate bragging on myself or sharing all my happenings, especially since I do a lot. But if thinking of it as a competition you must win works for you, then I say go for it because what matters is that we do what’s authentic and right for us to meet our tribe! We don’t all have to agree but if we are going to change the world, we have to promote our work and share with others.

      I love business – there is something about it that excites me when it’s done well. Unfortunately… not all of it is done well.

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