Takeaways from Fireside Chat with JRenee Burgess of No Honey Makeup

Last Monday, I shared a talk with JRenee Burgess, founder of No Honey Makeup. There was so much to our conversation that I wanted to take time to digest it and reflect more. Here are three key points I walked away with.

Family first; ministry and career second.

Many creative Christians spend so much time working with the church and giving their time to other families and peoples while their own families and life fall apart. I was one of them at one time. This is NOT okay. We need to have our home life in order. It’s our first ministry. This point JRenee made was so necessary for this time when we are working more and spending less time with our families. Be sure your home life is good and united before trying to minister or take on a career that will have you away too long.

JRenee took time to really focus on her family and in doing so became founder of her own makeup line. It was because of her willingness to hear God about staying home that she was able to hear the next directive from Him to launch the business. Obedience is a perfect praise. Don’t forget that!

Change the approach not the goal.

When you have a dream, don’t give up on it because life gets in the way. “You can change the approach but never change the goal.” It May be delayed or it may come through an different avenues, but the goal must remain front and center.

Beauty comes from within and is then expressed on the outside.

When we are beautiful inside, fully delivered and not dealing with pain and struggle from our past in so many areas, we have know that we are beautiful on the outside as well. Beauty-related professionals such as JRenee are a blessing to those of us who need that reminder and help with engaging our outer beauty. She is able to help women reflect on the outside what they feel within. Makeup isn’t bad. Just don’t use it as a mask. Let it enhance who you are.

Remember to visit the No Honey Makeup site and look around.

If you listened to the chat, I’d love to hear your thoughts below.

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