Recipe: Everyday Veggie & Fruit Drawer Salad

Fuel for the body and soul at my table tonight!! As I sit down to eat my dinner, I realize I haven’t shared a good salad pic with you yet, which is weird since I loooovvvvveeeee Salads. Next to Jesus, it’s right up there with tacos and my favorite food!

When you need a quick and healthy meal, have fun with the veggies and fruits in your fridge (or on the counter). Since I work third-shift a few nights a week due to this being when my mind is most active and alert, I like to ensure I eat a salad halfway through my evening so I have plenty of energy that will last until I have my little one safely to school.

For this salad, I grabbed the following:

  • Spring Mix lettuce
  • Green pepper
  • Red onion
  • Garbanzo beans
  • Strawberries
  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries
  • Walnuts

(I wish it also had avocado but I was out.) Mix it altogether, squeeze in some lemon or lime juice (I used lemon tonight), add your favorite dressing and go! (If you are using a glass bowl and don’t have lemons or limes, use a drop of lemon vitality or lime vitality oil!) 💜❤️

It’s delicious and healthy, and takes under four minutes to prep.

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