Which Supplements and Products to Take When for Fitness Regimen

We’ve covered a lot of products over the last few weeks of this fitness series. Are you wondering what products to when? Below is a simple breakdown of the products to take during your pre- and post-workout as well as during your workout.


Take Nitro to enhance physical performance and cognitive function 15-20 minutes before a workout. You can also try adding a drop of Peppermint Vitality to your NingXia Red (we will cover this product next Saturday) to enhance performance and help you feel revitalized! Roll on some Valor to your wrists or neck for an empowering, confident aroma before a big race or game.

During your workout: Be sure to drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated. AminoWise is full of BCAA’s and this is the optimal product to drink throughout your workout. Deep Relief essential oil is simple and easy to apply on the go for any issues you may have during activity.


Replenish your body with much needed protein to help body repair and heal. Make a protein shake using Pure Protein 30 minutes after a workout. Slique Shake is a great vegan alternative. Slique Shake contains more vitamins and minerals than Pure Protein and is considered a meal replacement, but it also has less protein than Pure Protein. If you are vegan or vegetarian, be sure to get enough high-quality protein from additional sources throughout the day to meet your body’s daily needs! Your body needs protein to build muscle! Recover with oils like Copaiba, PanAway, and AromaSiez. Cool Azul Pain Relief Cream is also a favorite!


PowerGize, AgilEase, SuperCal, Omegagize, and Masterformula are all great supplements that can provide essential nutrition when your body needs it most. There is no “right” time to take these products. It doesn’t matter if you take them in the morning, night, or before a workout. The most important thing is consistency! Give your body 30 days to really notice the benefits from your supplement routine. These are just a few of the many supplements that Young Living offers, we couldn’t cover all of them in this class, we will save that for another class!

Comment below what your favorite fitness products are!


Join us next Saturday to talk about how you ditch sugary drinks, energy drinks, and other juices that aren’t the best for you for NingXia Red, Nitro, and Zyng.

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